Eggs 4 to 8, reddish or yellow buff, speckled and blotched with dark brown in color.

Sexes are similar.

Gray Francolin: They feed on various plants and animals, especially seeds and insects. Gray Francolin: Medium-sized bird; introduced to Hawaii in 1958. However this is a different bird than the European Grey Partridge so to avoid confusion, we like to refer to these birds as Hyderbadie Francolins. Identification.

Occurs from sea level up to 3,280'.

Apparently only the hen incubates though both parents usually accompany …

Physical Traits Grey Francolin is a stub-tailed bird and is grayish-brown in color. GREY FRANCOLIN (Francolinus pondicerianus) – (See images below) DESCRIPTION: The Grey Francolin is mainly brown (in spite of its name) with barred plumage. The head and back are reddish brown and the under parts are beige. Safety Notice from Pets4Homes - NEVER … A small gamebird with an orangish face and fine barring throughout. Chicks are precocial upon hatching. Grey Francolin 30-35 cm#R; male 255-418 g, female 200-365 g#R#R. The breed I have is a pure Pakistani breed. Gray Francolin: Four to ten cream to light brown eggs are laid in a shallow scrape or depression which may be lined with leaves, feathers and grass.

Listen More audio recordings. Most uniformly and finely patterned Asian francolin; throat pattern, buffy throat fringed with black characteristi Francolinus pondicerianus. Occurs in open grassy areas such as dry grasslands, scrub, and agricultural land. The head and back are reddish brown and the under parts are beige. It eats seeds, grains and insects. Hyderbadie is also sometimes spelled Hyderabadie. It has a brown crown and nape, buff to orange-brown face and cheeks and a buff throat with a thin black border. The Francolin is native to Africa, Asia and Europe and has been introduced successfully in Hawaii and with limited success in the southeastern United States. Francolins are closely related to partridge and the Hyderbadie Francolin is also known as the Grey or Gray Partridge or Francolin. POWERED BY MERLIN.

A. Map of the study area within Salt Range, Punjab, Pakistan and B: sites selected for data collection on breeding biology of grey francolin. Often found in groups. Like other galliformes, Francolins are raised for meat, eggs, hunting, and as a hobby for the aviculturist.

It is buff-brown overall with barring, finer on the underparts and heavier on the upperparts. Foraging and Feeding.

Males and females are similar. Gray Francolin. Flight is swift and direct, attained by rapid vibrating wing strokes.

The bill is dark grey and the eyes are black. Native to Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Male francolins may have upto two tarsal spurs, while the females have none. Sign in to see your badges. GREY FRANCOLIN (Francolinus pondicerianus) – (See images below) DESCRIPTION: The Grey Francolin is mainly brown (in spite of its name) with barred plumage. Gray Francolin: This bird is found on all the main Hawaiian Islands. Its preferred habitats include savannas and shrubland, though it may also be seen in coastal kiawe forests, golf courses, and roadsides. The name Teetar is based on the call of the bird, which comes as 'Ka-tee-tar-tee-tar'. Grey Francolin of India is locally known by the names of Teetar and Bhoora (brown) Tittar.

I have a pair Tittar/grey francolin that I am selling and they have been looked after very well and the pair I have are 5 months old and they are a very good breed and yet both are are healthy. The upper mandible is slightly downcurved which helps in digging the soil for seeds and insects. Eggs are incubated for 18-19 days by the female.