Although their name may suggest that they come strictly from Kenya, they originate from areas of Northeast Africa and inhabit countries such as Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kenya. Hi all! About half a year ago I went to my local reptile show and fell in love with Kenyan sand boas; however, I decided at the time not to get one because it would absolutely have been an impulse buy and impulse-buying pets is generally not a great idea. As always – … The Sand Boa is a group of snakes in the boa, or Boidae, family. Watch Queue Queue Be sure to provide your pet with plenty of substrate to dig in, since it is a burrowing snake. The Kenyan sand boa prefers lower humidity, because it comes from a dry region in Africa. Kenyan sand boas are popular snakes for beginners. So their care sheet would include adding falt rocks (resting frimly on the bottom of the terrarium), fake succulent plants, and other aquarium décor for the snake to feel at home and explore. Their docile nature and small size make them easy to care for. Complete Kenyan Sand Boa Care & Setup Guide - Duration: 22:16. Provide your Kenyan sand boa with a basking spot of about 90F. The opposite side of the cage can remain … This video is unavailable.

22:16 . Posted By: admin boa, boas, kenyan, kenyan sand boa, kenyan sand boas, morph, morphs, snake, snakes. Their natural environment is semi-desert, dry areas with hot […] A sturdy ceramic bowl, like the Petrageous dish, is a good choice as a water dish for a Kenyan sand boa.A light plastic water dish will be easily pushed over, possibly fouling the environment. Kenyan sand boa eating a pinkie mouse. Habitat; As earlier stated, Sand Boas love to dig. This is best achieved with an overhead lamp. Kenyan sand boas are adorable little snakes, that are fairly popular in the pet trade. Their natural environment is semi-desert, dry areas with hot […] Kenyan sand boa questions! Over the years various morphs have become available on the market, and in this article, we’ve gathered 10 of those morphs. The only time the cage should have high humidity is during the Kenyan sand boa’s shed cycle. Kenyan Sand Boa Water. Banner Photo: Source. You can feed your Kenyan sand boa small mice. Mason Dixon Sand Boas, Stewartstown, Pennsylvania. This is no #2 on the list of Kenyan Sand Boa care tips. These sand boas require a warm enclosure to match their East African natural habitat. 20 to 50% humidity is perfect for this snake. Kenyan sand boa questions! About half a year ago I went to my local reptile show and fell in love with Kenyan sand boas; however, I decided at the time not to get one because it would absolutely have been an impulse buy and impulse-buying pets is generally not a great idea. Although their name may suggest that they come strictly from Kenya, they originate from areas of Northeast Africa and inhabit countries such as Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kenya. …