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Parakeets have lived long fruitful lives since the beginning from their origin of Australia. Usually, a parakeet lifespan ranges from around 8 to 10 years if provided with a healthy diet and clean environment. The longevity in captivity depends upon several factors including a proper and balanced diet, mental enrichment, adequate interaction, etc. Different types of parakeet have varying life expectancies - anywhere from 3 years to 20 years of age. Find blue parakeets for sale at your local PetSmart store!

The males tend to be a bit heavier than their female counterparts. Blue Alexandrine Lifespan. The budgerigar is a surprisingly … Life Span of the Ringneck Parakeet By Barbara Bean-Mellinger. The maximum recorded lifespan is 26 years.

This means that the bigger the cage (minimum 16x14x18"), the better.

Read on to find out how you can care for your blue parakeet in 5 easy steps. Cyrielle Beaubois/Moment Open/Getty Images.

Well, except for their obvious color due to years of selective breeding. Find blue parakeets for sale at your local PetSmart store!

Treasures considered the most labor-intensive handmade items of the world. The Lifespan of a Parakeet.

Blue-winged parakeets are a species of parakeet endemic to the Western Ghats of southern India. Your parakeet’s cage should remind him of his natural environment.

Give fresh food and water to your parakeet every day.

One of the most important factors to consider is … Original, old world wool dyed naturally with vegetables, plants and flowers. Can I train my budgie parakeet to talk and do tricks? Captive-bred lineolated parakeets can display an array of color mutations—the feathers change color after leaving the wild—including blue, cobalt, turquoise, and white. Blue Parakeets (budgies) love to be stroked and held and want to interact with their Pet Parents as much as possible. Blue parakeets are lively and highly intelligent birds.

Price may vary by location. Parakeets are very popular pets among bird lovers. Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Blue parakeets are not to be confused with blue-winged parakeets, also known as Malabar parakeets (Psittacula columboides). It is easy to get any parakeet towards their maximum lifespan. Blue Quaker Parrots (Monk Parakeet) Care Guide: Personality, Diet, Lifespan & More A Blue Quaker Parrot (Blue Monk Parakeet) is a funny and affectionate avian companion just like all Quaker parrots. ‘Parakeet’ is an umbrella term for several types of small-medium sized birds.

If you give the same food every day, your pet might become disinterested. Price may vary by location. The undersides of the wings are blue and the tail feathers are dark green. For sleeping, your parakeet may like to rest in a fleece-lined hut that hangs at the top of his cage. Trying to decide which new feathered friend should join your family can be a challenge, especially with all the choices out there.

While they are now all over the world each parakeet can live in captivity for 7 to 14 years, even up to 20 years if proper care is taken..

Because of this, you can’t give a generalized lifespan. Blue Alexandrine Lifespan … Buy nutritious bird pellets. Besides 1-2 teaspoons of pellets, you can also give seeds, cottage cheese, peanuts, bean sprouts, or mealy worms.

Yes! The Blue Alexandrine parakeet is named after Alexander the Great and was prized for nobility and royalty since ancient times. How Long Do Parakeets Live in Captivity? On average, parakeets live anywhere from five to 15 years, although it is common for the pets to survive upwards of 20 years with proper care. Taking conscious steps to keep them healthy and happy is the key to a long life span. There are reports that some parakeets live for 14 years and in some rare cases, they can even live for as long as 20 years.