It comes in a number of different varieties such as Wheaten, Blue, Black, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff Silver, and White. History of the Ameraucana Chicken Breed Royale Photography [CC BY-SA 3.0]Accepted to the American Poultry Association In 1984, the Ameraucana is a recognized breed on its own, as is the bantam Ameraucana, which was accepted by the American Bantam Association in 1979.

Wattles are on the small side or can be non-existent. Some breeders are also working on new varieties like black gold and also lavender! If you want blue eggs, you'll need to cross with a white egg layer, a production leghorn will definitely help in the egg quantity department, but the egg colour blue will be paler (probably) than the pure Ameraucana. The Ameraucana is one of the few chicken breeds to lay blue eggs, another being the Cream Legbar, which also have an Araucana influence. The Ameraucana was developed in the United States in the 1970s from Araucana chickens brought from Chile.

The red sex links lay a brown egg, they will pass that on to the cross, and when the cross "paints" the blue egg brown the resulting egg looks green. Most hatcheries and feed stores incorrectly label their Easter Egger chickens as Ameraucanas or Americanas, when they are in … The Alliance cannot attest to the quality of the product you may receive and does not make endorsements. We are NPIP certified and can ship or transport birds to shows. These members generally do not have eggs, chicks, and adult birds available year round. How wonderful would those be? The Ameraucana Breeders Club was established to provide members or breeders with information about this breeds. It’s a medium-sized chicken which is between 6lbs and 7lbs in weight. I am breeding show quality Ameraucana in the self-blue (lavender), a self-blue cuckoo and a minimum number of Black varieties. Ameraucana Chickens, by John W Blehm (originally published in Backyard Poultry Magazine, June/July 2007…updated 2/2020). ... brown red, buff, silver, wheaten and white. Eyes are a reddish bay color.

Recognised varieties are: Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, White. The Ameraucana chicken can be bred for multiple purposes however its main purpose would be eggs as it produces a lovely unique blue color.

These are full size birds not bantams. The blacks and blues are the most common Ameraucana colors. Since 1984 Eight varieties of colors of the Ameraucana breed have been officially recognized by the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association. Ameraucana Chickens, by John W Blehm (originally published in Backyard Poultry Magazine, June/July 2007…updated 2/2020). Ameraucana Directory Our Ameraucana Directory is a list of our Alliance club members who offer Ameraucana hatching eggs, day-old chicks and/or adult birds for sale. They are true Ameraucana, not Ameracana or Easter Eggers. To say that Ameraucana, Araucana and Easter Egg chickens are the same would be like saying Cornish, Brahma and Sex-Linked brown egg layers are the same. The Ameraucana has a pea comb which is red as are the wattles. TN - Ameraucana Large Fowl in B/B/S, Buff, Brown Red & Lavender Selling chicks through started pairs from our BV and BB winning stock. Can purchase hatching eggs or chicks if available, but must live in Canada. To say that Ameraucana, Araucana and Easter Egg chickens are the same would be like saying Cornish, Brahma and Sex-Linked brown egg layers are the same. Not feed store variety. Wattles are on the small side or can be non-existent. brown red, buff silver, blue wheaten, wheaten, and ; white. Monkman's Poultry is a hobby farm that raises heritage poultry in Manitoba Canada.