There are many mixed opinions about keeping chickens and ducks together in the same enclosure. The chickens have a disease that they can pass to the turkeys that can be fatal to the turkeys. If you suspect that your turkeys or chickens might have Black Head check with your veterinarian, there are drugs that can be administered to control the disease and save your birds if caught in time. However, lots of backyarders raise chickens and turkeys together without a problem, and with some benefits. No you can't. The ducklings will splash and play in the water and get everything all wet. I want to get turkeys, but …

I have been raising ducks, chickens, turkeys and geese together for years. However, I would not suggest housing the turkeys with any other type of poultry. I have not had turkeys and chickens together because of the possibility of blackhead disease. The Ducks had recently taken up residence in the new Duck Home.
Hi LaDonna, You can certainly raise all of these breeds together on one property. Housing turkeys and chickens together however can be a problem due to the possibility of Blackhead disease. Whether you're adding a new species to your farm or just another raised bed to your farm garden, you should consider whether you have the time to devote to caring for the new addition. There are also preventative wormers available. Conventional wisdom says you should never keep turkeys and chickens together, because turkeys are susceptible to blackhead, a disease with devastating consequences.
Yes, chickens and turkeys can be raised alongside one another. Feeding chickens and ducks together.

There are also some logistic factors to consider but otherwise, these birds can coexist peacefully in the same coop. Plenty of room for two gentle turkeys to join the Ducks. However, ducks do have different needs and require slightly different care than chickens.

Chick crumbs and Growers pellets intended for chickens often contain Anti Coccosidistats. As youngsters, chickens and ducks require a different type of food. When I first started keeping chickens I knew I eventually wanted to raise heritage turkeys and ducks too (and maybe some Guinea fowl…and geese). I can tell you from personal experience, yes they can. does anyone raise turkeys with other poultry and if so, have you ever dealt with this disease. If you make the duck house too high, the ducks will be afraid of it and won’t use it. Kenneth, I raised ducks and turkeys together and there ended up being aggressive behavior on both sides so I had to separate them.