Leadership Compass Page 5 of 6 HANDOUT 3 East: The Visionary Approach to Work Innovative, Creative and sees the big picture Very idea oriented, focuses on future thought Risk-taker, adventurous, spontaneous Has insight into mission and purpose Looks for overarching themes and ideas Appreciates a lot of information The reversed compass rose may cause some initial confusion, but in use it is obvious why the compass rose must have East and West reversed. One way to remember is by the word 'we' - west east - west on the left east on the right. In this interaction, the atomic compass needles do not only align in a North-South direction, but also in an East-West direction. Points between the cardinal directions form the points of the compass. Points between the cardinal directions form the points of the compass. It is called a mariners compass, it is a instrument that shows the North, east, West and South, and is used by pilots and the sailors. It is the opposite direction from east, and is the direction in which the sun sets. The degrees marked around the face also go round the wrong way. There is a northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest quadrant.

There is no mirror in the case and no space for one. Halfway between each of these points is North-West, North-East, South-East and South-West. You need to learn proper directions when outdoors to prevent getting lost. North, South, East and West - Usage.

adverb - We drove east for 50 miles. And in between all these half way points is: North-North-East NNE. We have been spoiled by games that use a different style of compass. When you are sighting directly North, the compass needle will point to North. With our access to Greater China, expertise across a range of industries, and personal commitment, we may be the best international bank for you. But sometimes it happens that there is no compass at hand, or it is lost, broken. The four main points on a compass are North, South, East and West. The four cardinal directions, or cardinal points, are the directions north, east, south, and west, commonly denoted by their initials N, E, S, and W. East and west are perpendicular (at right angles) to north and south, with east being in the clockwise direction of rotation from north and west being directly opposite east. Angles are measured east or west of north and east or west of south as shown below. Each of the points of the compass (north, south, east, west, south-east, north-west etc) can be: noun - The sun rises in the east. North, South, West, East: Location on the map; North, South, West, East: Location on a compass The compass is hand-held and is fitted in a wooden case with a lid that folds open and has a sighting line on it. A compass rose with west highlighted in black.

Keep turning until the needle points to East on the compass like the picture below, keeping the direction-of-travel arrow and North mark facing straight in front of you. When reading a compass, and telling other people directions, you need to wipe "right" and "left" out of your vocabulary.

The boat's compass and a hand bearing compass point to the Magnetic Pole, but all bearings on charts are related to the Geographic Pole (True North). Read How to Use a Compass for a refresher on how to take a bearing in the field and from a map. Note that, for all calculations, an east declination is a positive number and a west declination is a negative number. Knowing how to find your way without a compass can be a useful survival skill when you are out in the wilderness.

East and West are not backwards.