The Golden Balls set, complete with 700 (fact!) c. Suggestive of gold, as in richness or splendor: a golden voice. Golden Balls is an amusing British game show. [1913 … In Round One, 12 cash balls come from the Golden Bank and four Killer balls, and from these, each player is distributed four each, two on the front row and two on the back row. You must be logged in to post a comment. Each of two contestants independently chooses to split or steal the final prize. b. Lustrous; radiant: the golden sun. to drop the ball to fail to perform as expected; to fail to live up to a responsibility. In my dream i wanted to kick a ball, it turned to bucket full with water. Search for: on the ball alert; competent and knowledgeable. to carry the ball to carry on the task; to assume the responsibility. If you’re never seen the show, here is how it works. Four players are dealt out golden balls worth varying amounts of money (from £10 to £75,000) and some "Killer" balls. The Golden Thread is a simple framework for aligning performance metrics with organisational objectives, and therefore individual goals throughout each layer of the business. 2. a. 3. The number of visitors to the site bypassed 520,000 by May 2014. programmable bulbs. Golden Moments is the brainchild of 3 young and enterprising Singaporeans with one simple mission: to bring families closer through handcrafted quality Durian Delicacies. Log in to Reply. Of, relating to, made of, or containing gold. Of the greatest value or importance; precious. 4. 1. Especially interesting is the final contest which is a version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Below is the message I transcribed about the Golden Energy Ball (my terminology). Organisational Objectives. One response . Two of each player's balls are on show, the rest are known only to each player. Victor nweke says: January 17, 2017 at 9:01 pm . Search for meanings. Three balls, or Three golden balls, a pawnbroker's sign or shop. WE'RE DEDICATED At Golden Moments, we want you to enjoy our products made from the heart, imbuing the value of building meaningful relationships over quality conversations. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Having the color of gold or a yellow color suggestive of gold. en (gōl′dən) adj. If both choose split, then the prize is divided evenly. The Golden Light Channel website was created in November of 2012. What stud poker would be a bit like if there was a giant lottery machine involved, and the prisoner's dilemma. * Please, see meaning of sphere, game.