Discover How Long Lapland longspur Lives. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. Despite being one of the most abundant breeding songbirds in North America, the Lapland Longspur is remarkably easy to overlook. Lapland longspur, or Lapland bunting, Calcarius lapponicus Smith's longspur, Calcarius pictus Chestnut-collared longspur, Calcarius ornatus The genus name Calcarius is from Latin calcaria, "spurs".

Scientific name: Calcarius lapponicus From its high Arctic breeding grounds, the Lapland Longspur fans out over much of North America in large numbers during the winter months. It is only known as the Lapland Longspur in North America. Today the Sami consider Lapp to be a derogatory term. To the west it embraces the northern part of the Kolen Mountains, which reach elevations of more than 6,500 feet (2,000 metres). 'Longspur' refers to the elongated claw of the hind toe. It breeds in the remote High Arctic and winters in vast agricultural fields that are often devoid of other birdlife in that season.

Lapland is a region of great topographical variety. It breeds in the high arctic with continual daylight during the summer, and a breeding male may sing at any hour of the day. Despite being one of the most abundant breeding songbirds in North America, the Lapland Longspur is remarkably easy to overlook. Lapland, the conventional name for the region, is derived from Lapp, the name Scandinavians ascribed to the Sami people, who have sparsely inhabited the region for several thousand years. It breeds in the remote High Arctic and winters in vast agricultural fields that are often devoid of other birdlife in that season.

On its Norwegian (western) side this range slopes abruptly and is deeply eroded into fjords and … The more common name for this bird is Lapland Bunting.

Lapland Longspurs have a very long hind claw, which is the source of their name. Bird Id - Bird Identification - Male Adult Lapland Longspur (Species=Calcarius lapponicus / Standard Name=Lapland Longspur) Discover How Long Lapland longspur Lives OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max … Scientific name: Calcarius lapponicus From its high Arctic breeding grounds, the Lapland Longspur fans out over much of North America in large numbers during the winter months.

UID Common Name Lapland Longspur Scientific Name Calcarius lapponicus Species ID # 2491678 Related People DeLong, Genevieve Edna Koenig, Darwin Swenk, Myron H. University of Nebraska–Lincoln Kleen, Vernon M. Stone, Larry Ely, Dorothy Balch, Lawrence G. Bowen, Clark C. Rupprecht, Jeff Klaas, Erwin E Jefferson, Joan Gafvert, … Lapland Longspur, Alaska Longspur, Eastern Lapland Bunting, Lapland Bunting, Lapland Lark Bunting, Lapland Snowbird, Common Longspur Scientific Name(s): Calcarius lapponicus Very social, flocks may consist of thousands or even millions of birds.