We are a group composed of passionate mountain lion hunters here in the Black Hills. Recent efforts to reintroduce lion populations into the Hills have proved successful and the Hills once again have a large population. Attacks are less likely in a group. Attacks on humans are extremely rare. They stalk their prey and can quickly attack from behind and kill with a bite to the neck. Mountain Lions in the Black Hills Mountain lions used to exist in large numbers in the Black Hills before being nearly wiped out. Mountain Lion The Black Hills of South Dakota are teeming with all kinds of animal life - some are docile and beautiful to look at, while others are so dangerous they can be deadly. Preventing Problems with Mountain Lions. Hike with a friend. And the attack has become a much-confused, often-exaggerated bit of Black Hills mountain lion lore. The attack marks the first time a wild lion has attacked a human in recent history within the state. Black Hills Mountain Lion Hunters has 4,167 members. Three of the attacks were fatal. Charlie McGuigan survived the attack with head wounds and a deep laceration in his face. Since 1990, there have been 22 mountain lion attacks on people in the state, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

In about the last 100 years there have only been about 100 nonfatal attacks and 18 deaths from cougar attacks. Lowest number of mountain lions killed in Black Hills in 10 years - Outdoornews But largest was a bruiser that tipped the scales at over 160 pounds. On Saturday, a mountain lion attack in Washington state left one man dead and another injured as they were mountain biking east of Seattle.