… … When the Oriental Shorthair was accepted for championship status in 1977, it rapidly became one of CFA’s most popular breeds.

Best breed for: Large families; Households with other … If you were to place a Siamese and an Oriental side-by-side, they’d look …

Give the Oriental a full crowd and they won’t hesitate to put up a show. Like all of the group members (Siamese, Balinese, Oriental Shorthairs and Oriental Longhairs), Orientals are long, slender, stylized cats. Breed History. Personality. These cats are the entertainers in the feline kingdom. Oriental cats are medium in size but feel heavier than they look. Personality of the Oriental Shorthair. Some popular styles include ebony, pure white, chestnut, and blue, while some popular patterns include solid, bi-color, and tabby.

Weight – 4 – 6.5kg.

ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR CAT-STATS. The Oriental Shorthair is a sleek cat with a raspy voice and an opinion of his own.

They have a powerful meow and will use it readily to convey mood or desire. The Oriental is a member of the Siamese breed group and comes in two coat lengths: the Oriental Shorthair and the Oriental Longhair. The Oriental Shorthair cat is a medium-sized cat breed which usually weighs around 4 to 5 kg. by Thomas October 15, 2019. written by Thomas October 15, 2019. Oriental Shorthair Personality and Temperament. Positives. The Oriental Shorthair's coat comes in a rainbow of colors, with more than 300 color combinations possible. A beautiful cat, the Oriental is also highly intelligent and requires a parent who will return this breed’s trademark dedication. These beautiful felines carry the same graceful bodies with the addition of a silky long coat and long plumed tail. ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR CAT PERSONALITY. Breed History. The breeders used the Siamese as a foundation breed, and it shows. Their tail is equally long and pointed, with petite paws. These vocalizations vary according to the individual cat, with some being known to make loud honking sounds. The Oriental Shorthair is not a natural breed. In This Article. Oriental Shorthair cat character With the Oriental Shorthair, we are talking about a cat which stands out for their communication. The Oriental Shorthair will follow your every move and be involved in all family activities. High. In fact, it was created to experiment with various colors, patterns, and coat lengths on a mission to broaden the Siamese breed’s variety. Erica Puisis .
Oriental Shorthair Cat – Personality: Written by. When you are sitting … Orientals are extremely fond of their people. When the spotlights are off the Oriental is a caring and …

The only remarkable thing, as in other oriental races. They can talk for hours on end in a raspy tone of voice. The body is similar to a Siamese; long, slim, long whip-like tail with long, slender legs. Learn about The Spruce Pets' Editorial Process. He will tell you exactly what he thinks, in a loud, raspy voice, and he expects you to pay attention and act on his advice. Therefore, be prepared for a long-term commitment.

Coat. ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR KITTENS. Care. Oriental Shorthair: origins, characteristics and personality Oriental Shorthair. They like to be “helpful” and will follow you around and supervise your every move. Orientals become highly attached to their people, so it's important to socialize them from an early age. These are vocal cats that aren’t shy of voicing their opinions. The Siamese and the Oriental might differ in color, but beneath the skin they are identical. The head is a triangular wedge shape, straight in profile, with large wide set ears. With the 1995 addition of the Oriental Longhair into this family of sleek, muscular felines, the Oriental breed can provide a cat for just about anyone. Erica Puisis is an animal enthusiast with first-hand experience in equine and canine health and behavior. This adds up to give them a graceful and elegant appearance. Oriental Shorthair Cat – Health: The Oriental is usually a healthy and robust cat. The Oriental cat's coat is very short and close lying.
The Oriental breed is an offshoot of the Siamese, but his coat, which can be long or short, doesn't have points. Unlike the Siamese, the Oriental Shorthair comes in nearly 300 colors and patterns. Oriental Shorthair cats come in a huge variety of colours and patterns. Learn more about the history, personality, and needs of the Oriental Shorthair. Oriental Shorthair Breed Print Email Details Category: Breeds Published: August 13, 2018 Hits: 14204 Tweet.