Origin [edit | edit source] Eurasia: Caspian, Black, Azov and Adriatic Sea basins. European Sturgeon. Beluga Sturgeon. Originating 200 million years ago, sturgeons are an ancient migratory fish which is today teetering on the brink of extinction.

Sterlet. All you have to do is look at the size of this big boys mouth and compare it to any other monster sturgeon you find on the net and you will see it is obviously close to 1000 lb. It is one of the largest predatory fishes on Earth and also one of the only species of sturgeons that actively eat other fishes. Large individuals have been known to carry several hundred pounds of caviar and Beluga Sturgeon caviar can be worth as much as $3,500.00/pound USD. (The quality of caviar depends on its firmness, taste, color, and size.) The Beluga Sturgeon is unfortunately, cursed with producing some of the most desirable caviar in the world. Although reported to grow to 10m in length and weigh up to 2000kg, the largest recorded Beluga, caught in the Volga estuary in 1827, was a female measuring 7.2m in length and weighing 1,476kg. The eggs of each species of sturgeon, except the largely poisonous green sturgeon, can be used for caviar. Sterlet. The eggs of each species of sturgeon, except the largely poisonous green sturgeon, can be used for caviar. Beluga caviar is prized for its soft, extremely large (pea-size) eggs.

Russian Sturgeon. Tank compatibility [edit | edit source] This is such a large fish it's highly unlikely it … The beluga sturgeon is the largest sturgeon and one of the largest bony fishes in the world. The Beluga Sturgeon is unfortunately, cursed with producing some of the most desirable caviar in the world. The size of some historic wild Beluga sturgeon has classified them in some realms as the largest freshwater fish, having reached weights over 3000 pounds. World's Biggest Sturgeon: white, beluga and kaluga. Beluga sturgeon mature later than most other acipenseriforms, usually after their 12th year (Lelek 1987). The Beluga Sturgeon (Huso huso) is the largest growing sturgeon species, a true monster fish, one of the largest fish found in freshwater in the modern day.

Originating 200 million years ago, sturgeons are an ancient migratory fish which is today teetering on the brink of extinction. Stellate Sturgeon.

A beluga or European sturgeon (Huso huso) captured in 1922 in the Volga Estuary.

It is not a record-breaker, but probably at 7 meters (23 feet), one of the largest European sturgeons ever caught. Stellate Sturgeon. Large individuals have been known to carry several hundred pounds of caviar and Beluga Sturgeon caviar can be worth as much as $3,500.00/pound USD.