Our rabbitry specializes in the hard-to-find Black variety, with some Fawns as well.

Females carry a dewlap or skin fold under the chin. However, some smaller breeds have it too. FLEMISH VARIETIES. It is common in female rabbits to have a dewlap. Flemish Giant rabbits need more food, living space, and attention than regular-sized rabbits. The fur is dense and glossy and rolls back when stroked.

These rabbits are known for being great with kids of all ages, as well as gentle with their own young (both males and females). The fur is dense and glossy and rolls back when stroked. Females carry a dewlap or skin fold under the chin. At …

Later, the first Flemish Giant club in the United States was established in 1915.

Hence, Locate breeders of Flemish Giant Rabbits using our Rabbit Breeders Directory or submit your own rabbitry today.. We are dedicated to helping you find rabbits for sale and connect with local rabbit breeders. Dewlaps are much more distinctive in larger breeds of rabbits. Bucks have a broad head and massive than not. Feeding Behavior Rabbits are unable to absorb all of their nutrition via the intestinal wall, but can still get it by eating their cecals (or cecotropes). They may look a bit strange at first glance, but Flemish Giants are easy to fall in love with as pets. The Flemish Giant is an old breed of rabbit thought to have originated from the Flemish region as early as the 16th or 17th century, around the city of Ghent, Belgium. Daily care Flemish Giant As with all animals, rabbits are no exception to the rule of being dependent on their human-keepers to not only protect them from Mother Nature & …

It's origins are quite vague. The days were tough, as the demand for rabbit meat and fur continued to steadily escalate, with the supply stagnating. This link from the National Association of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders (NFFGRB) will demonstrate the seven color varieties available. It is believed that these rabbits are descended from the Patagonia … English records show that in 1860, travellers from the continent spoke of an enormous rabbit from the area of Flanders and parts of France. A Flemish Giant should have a well-furred tail that is completely straight. The Flemish Giant Rabbit is one of the largest breeds of domestic rabbits, earning the name, "King of Rabbits." The origins of the Flemish Giant breed are somewhat uncertain, but the breed was refined in Europe. A dewlap is common in larger breeds. On average, these popular rabbits weigh 15 pounds on average once they are fully grown. One of the largest rabbits in the world, the Flemish Giant has weighed in at more than 20 pounds. Flemish Giant rabbit Last updated March 14, 2020. This year, they celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Flemish Giant National Show.

Use our Rabbit Breeders Directory today to find Flemish Giant Rabbits for Sale in your area. A dewlap is common in larger breeds. Find Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders in your area and state. However, some smaller breeds have it too.

Giant rabbits have the same basic needs as smaller rabbits. Color variations of the Flemish Giant include Black, Blue, Fawn, Gray, White, Sandy, Steel, and Light Gray. A well-regarded Flemish Giant, according to breed standards, has a large and nicely shaped head, erect ears, a long and powerful … They truly are giant rabbits that were initially bred as a utility breed for their meat and fur. The Flemish Giant became an ARBA recognized breed in 1929. Flystrike can affect any breed of rabbit, but many giant rabbits, especially does, may have a pronounced dewlap which inhibits grooming around the back end.

Certain breeds that have looser skin will be prone to bigger dewlaps --Lops, Flemish and Giant Chins have a tendency to get the massive dewlaps Most female rabbits have one, the more overweight the rabbit the bigger the dewlap - overweight males sometimes get one too Our breeding focus is calm and friendly personalities, low maintenance, and gentle rabbits.