A: Camel crickets, also known as cave crickets and spider crickets, find a dark damp basement or crawl space an ideal area in which to live and breed. Homeowners should fix poor ventilation and maintain lawns to avoid cave cricket problems. As mentioned, simply keep your home clear of anything likely to attract them and that’s half the battle. We all know that crickets chirp (at least most crickets do) and the chirp is an essential part of cricket courtship. Mugs Guide To Breeding Crickets. For existing infestations, it is important to locate and eliminate all possible breeding conditions. Those which are commonly found in the United States are light brown in color with dark brown streaks all over their body. A cave cricket loves to live and breed in wood that’s still damp and getting damper during the rainy season. When all is said and done, cave crickets are like any other insect and will simply move back in again if proper precautions aren’t taken to avoid luring them back. Cave crickets have very large hind legs with "drumstick-shaped" femurs and long, slender antennae. Sticky traps: Traps that have sticky tape on one side can trap some of the camel crickets that have invaded the home. One of the occasional insect pests encountered in home basements is the cave or camel cricket. Camel crickets, also known as cave crickets or spider crickets, vary in appearance according to the species. They are brownish in color and rather humpbacked in appearance. You can find below some of the most common and efficient methods to get rid of camel crickets. 3 Methods to Get Rid of Camel Crickets from Your Home. After having extolled the virtues of a number of finch groups and species over the past months I though it prudent to present you with a "mug’s guide to cricket breeding" the sum total of 2 years work and experimentation! Because of this, you may not be able to find a whole lot of information on how to care for other cricket species. How Do I Get Rid of Cave Crickets What Orkin Does. However, some species also bear spots. For the basis of this article, we’ll be using the field cricket (a.k.a) “true cricket” or common chirping cricket, as the primary example. The cave crickets and the well-known field crickets are from different families but look vaguely similar. How to Breed Camel Crickets House crickets and field crickets are the main commercialized bait and feeder crickets across North America and Europe due to their fast reproduction cycle. Your pest management professional (PMP) will offer advice to help manage these pests. Contrary to popular belief, every cricket chirp you hear is …