Author information: (1)Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02114. Couple this with the feeling of hopelessness because of the rebound anxiety, and it’s going to be a steep road ahead. The anxiety they will face when attempting to manage their lives without medication can be overwhelming.

Not once have I ever got high off of it. You're nervous, so you take the Xanax, but then the rebound anxiety kicks in worse after it wears off, so you have to take it again. I've heard that Xanax can cause rebound anxiety, so it becomes a vicious cycle.

Do you think benzos are actually more harmful than helpful with anxiety disorders?

5 Compared to Klonopin, Xanax has a much shorter half-life (9-20 hours for Xanax compared to 19-60 hours for Klonopin).

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That is, if the patient was taking Xanax in an attempt solely to manage anxiety symptoms and not for the purposes of getting high, then stopping use of the medication may result in a rebound effect, or a return of anxiety symptoms for a brief period.

Xanax is a benzodiazepine, a class of drug that treats anxiety and panic disorders. I know from personal experience, and it's the reason that I cannot take it on a regular basis. Reviews suggest discontinuation from Xanax is particularly difficult and is associated with more serious rebound and withdrawal symptoms. Xanax Detox with Medical. Etizolam, on the other hand, is available under the brand names, Pasadena, Etilaam and many others.

In the case of re-emergence, the severity of the symptoms is often worse than pretreatment levels. Rebound is the temporary return of greater anxiety symptoms after withdrawal from medication than you experienced before the medication. Etizolam a currently a prescription…

Beta blockers and Xanax are drugs prescribed for anxiety.

Fortunately, there are ways to cope with rebound anxiety. It is possible that a rebound reaction can trigger a relapse reaction. Profound sedation, respiratory depression (abnormally slow and shallow breathing), coma, and death may result. It is used to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders, treat withdrawal syndromes to other benzodiazepines and alcohol, manage seizures, treat restless leg syndrome, treat muscle spasms, and in the treatment of insomnia. Abrupt discontinuation of Xanax, when used for sleep, has been associated with rebound insomnia that may be worse than the initial sleeping problem.

Klonopin withdrawal can definitely cause anxiety!! Valium is one of the best recognized drugs in the world and at one time was the best-selling drug in the United States. Rebound anxiety in panic disorder patients treated with shorter-acting benzodiazepines. Avoid combining Xanax with opioids such as oxycodone or hydrocodone. This usually occurs two to three days after a taper and is often caused by too big of a reduction of the drug at one time.

And that's fine. It is a medication that you become physically dependent upon, and you have to go off of it slowly.

I also take Prozac.

So it's surprising that anxiety has been linked to a feeling of euphoria.

; A difference is beta-blockers are typically prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart problems, and they are prescribed off-label for anxiety.Xanax is a different kind of drug, a benzodiazepine that is a type of tranquilizer, widely prescribed for anxiety. Herman JB(1), Brotman AW, Rosenbaum JF.

Also, studies have demonstrated that short-acting benzodiazepines like Xanax cause rebound anxiety.

I have taken Xanax for four years. I take 2mg a day for OCD.

I can go nearly a week without Xanax before I feel super anxious. If you have anxiety, there's a chance you've taken a medication like Xanax or Klonopin at some point, in order to better manage your symptoms. Klonopin is considered less likely to cause rebound… The rebound effect, or rebound phenomenon, is the emergence or re-emergence of symptoms that were either absent or controlled while taking a medication, but appear when that same medication is discontinued, or reduced in dosage. Xanax is a benzodiazepine medication that works very quickly and effectively to reduce anxiety and help with sleep.

Xanax was first approved in the United States in 1981 and has become a commonly prescribed medication for anxiety. I feel normal. Alprazolam sold under the trade name Xanax is a prescription drug that is used to treat conditions caused by excessive excitability in the central nervous system and increased activity of neurotransmitters of the brain. Xanax (alprazolam) is a medication used primarily to treat panic disorder but also used in the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Anxiety isn't exactly a condition that is associated with positive feelings and emotions.